Anti-wrinkle injections
Anti-wrinkle injections or wrinkle-relaxing injections are a non-invasive anti-ageing treatment which address wrinkles and fine lines in the face. Wrinkle-relaxing injections, neuromodulators and neurotoxins all refer to the same thing. There are 3 areas where anti-wrinkle injections are particularly effective:
The horizontal lines of the forehead
The frown lines (lines between the eyes)
The lateral canthal lines also known as ‘crow’s feet’ at the outer aspect of the eyes.
An anti-wrinkle injection functions through the relaxation of dynamic wrinkles as opposed to static wrinkles which are lines at rest. Anti-wrinkle injections are also great for relaxing the muscles responsible for facial expression such as smiling, frowning and squinting. Through achieving relaxation of the underlying facial muscles, the wrinkles are smoothened out giving rise to a more rejuvenated appearance to the face and particularly the upper third of the face.
Are Anti-Wrinkle Injections for you?
Yes, this treatment will suit you if:
You are a young person looking to prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles
You are an older person that has noticed the development of deeper lines and wrinkles
You have a gummy smile, noticeable lines around the peri-oral or mouth region when you make certain facial expressions such as pouting of the lips
You are not keen on the idea of more invasive surgical treatment for facial rejuvenation
This treatment has no effect on the muscle due to it being administered superficially under the skin.
What Are Anti-Wrinkle Injections?
First things first, before understanding anti-wrinkle injections safe, you need to know what they are! Scientifically, anti-wrinkle injections are known as Botulinum toxin. This is the major component of anti-wrinkle injections all over the world. Back in 2001, anti-wrinkle injections were first approved as a cosmetic treatment for frown lines, making the lives easier for many across the globe.
How Does the Treatment Work?
Anti-wrinkle injections first work to relax the facial muscles that cause the frown lines on the face. Botulinum toxin is nothing but a naturally occurring protein which, when injected in the facial muscles, stops them from contracting. The best part of the procedure is that one can see the results taking shape almost immediately! However, for the full effect to occur, two weeks are required. In addition to asking are anti-wrinkle injections safe, users also want to know how long the result of this treatment lasts. Well, that varies from one patient to another. While it can last for three months for some, it can work up to six months for others.
How often should I have the treatment?
The ideal timing of neuromodulator injections varies but it is generally accepted that the best time to get repeat injections of Anti wrinkle injections is before the effects of the last injection you have had begin to subside. With facial injection treatment, the objective is to keep the injected muscles in a weakened condition. All our patients are highly recommended to schedule maintenance treatments of anti wrinkle injections before the upper facial muscles regain the size and / or strength. Fewer wrinkles are because of muscle attenuation or weakening and it is important to maintain this to get the best results. Selected patients who have top-up injections once or twice in a year can have great results but the very best results come from wrinkle relaxing injections three to four times per year.
Do Anti-wrinkle Injections hurt?
This is a non-surgical treatment, therefore, the procedure is largely pain-free. If you are uncomfortable with needles, then there you may feel mild discomfort which is experienced due to the small needle injection involved.
Will I see a difference straight away?
While Cosmetic Injectables are a relatively time-friendly and convenient treatment, it can take anywhere from 2-7 days for you to see a difference, with the full effect visible after two weeks. Something to remember when you’re timing your treatment for a special event. The only cautious advice is to avoid strenuous activity, saunas and other facial treatments for up to 24 hours.
What are the side effects?
Depending on the sensitivity of your skin and any medications (like aspirin, ibuprofen, and other blood thinners) you may be taking, there is the chance of temporary, minor side effects including:
Mild swelling at or around the injection site
Mild tenderness or bruising at or around the injection site
Tiny red dots at the injection site
A mild headache, depending on the treatment area
The effects of the facial are best seen a couple of days after treatment so it is recommended that your facial is booked in few days before your event.
Is this suitable for all skin types?
Yes for all Fitzpatrick skin types
Who Should Not Use Anti-wrinkle injections?
If you are considering having Anti-wrinkle injections treatment, an initial consultation will be required beforehand. There is a selection of people who are advised not to have this type of treatment completed:
The injection site is infected
You are allergic to any of the ingredients
You are pregnant or breastfeeding
You have a neuromuscular disorder (e.g. myasthenia gravis)
If you are still unsure if you are suited for Anti-wrinkle injections treatment then a full list of side effects, cautions and contraindications will be discussed at face to face consultation. I can also discuss this over the phone with you.
Preparing For Anti Wrinkle Treatment
2 weeks before anti wrinkle injections:
It is important to minimise bruising by following certain restrictions on dietary intake. 2 weeks before neurotoxin, you should avoid fish oil supplements, seeds, nuts and medicines containing ibuprofen for aspirin and any other substances which are known to increase the risk of prolonged bleeding and subsequent bruising.
On the day of your anti-wrinkle treatment:
Avoid wearing makeup
Have a light meal to reduce the risk of feeling light headed during treatment
Drink plenty of water to keep well hydrated
Wear loose comfortable clothing
Our practitioner appointment slots often get booked up 3 months in advance. Schedule your next appointment for anti-wrinkle injections before you leave the clinic to avoid being unable to secure
Post-procedure care after anti wrinkle injections:
It is advisable to use a cold pack applied to the area to reduce any bruising for up to 48 hours post procedure.
Avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours after anti wrinkle injections
Use only water based makeup to camouflage any bruising. Normal makeup can be applied the next day onwards.
Do not attempt to massage the area in way – this could lead to diffusion of the toxin leading to unintended paralysis of uninvolved facial muscles.
Face washing is permissible albeit gently.
Arnica tablets can be used to minimise bruising.
Pineapples and pineapple juice has been shown to reduce bruising and swelling.
Anti-wrinkle injections Prices
Two areas..………...................£220
Three areas..………...…….......£240
Men, add £30
Cancellation policy:
* All appointments must be cancelled 48hrs prior to appointment to receive your £30 refund
* Any appointments not cancelled will not be redeemable