Chemical Skin Peel - BioRePeelCl3
What is a skin peel?
A chemical peel is solution applied to the face to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new cells.
The aim is to improve the appearance of the skin – for example, by reducing age spots and evening out skin tone.
What is BioREePeelCl3?
BioRePeelCl3 is an innovative medical device with the biostimulating, revitalizing and peeling actions, with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) as the main ingredient.
It has 14 active ingredients that promote cell turnover and profound stimulation to counter the effects of skin ageing, acne scarring and damage induced by the UV radiation and pollution with its exfoliating and keratolytic action.
It is an amazing anti-ageing treatment due all the essential amino acids and vitamins your skin needs.
The FND (Face, Neck and Décolleté) contains 35% TCA and GABA which is a muscle relaxant and thereby reduces lines/wrinkles. Furthermore the treatment is suitable for young skin during acute stages of acne, blackheads with recent or fresh scarring.
The Body contains 50% TCA indicated for the all areas of the body

How Does the Treatment Work?
Its biostimulating and revitalizing actions ensure fibroblasts’ activity, activate cutaneous proliferating and biosynthetic processes, as well as increase cellular turnover and collagen and elastin production. In addition, hydrophilic phase promotes exfoliation, reduces fine lines by neutralization of free radicals, and helps battling acne, enlarged pores and comedones.
Has stabilizing and protective actions, reduces trans-epidermic water evaporation and assists active principles vehiculation. Also, restores and maintains the cutaneous hydro-lipidic film. Its moisturizing action increases overall hydration.

Chemical Skin Peel BioRePeelCl3 Prices
Face with Led Therapy
Per session.............................£130
Course of 4 (advised)..........£400
Face/neck /Décolleté with Led Therapy
Per session............................£150
course of 4............................£500
Body areas for pigmentation
Per session............................£180
Course of Four....................£680
Per session............................£100
Course of Four.....................£350
Hands same as knees
Arm pits same as knees
Cancellation policy:
* All appointments must be cancelled 48hrs prior to appointment to receive your £30 refund
* Any appointments not cancelled will not be redeemable